Tuesday, September 13, 2005

REVELATIONS while showering

When I was taking a shower after a long hard busy day at work at about 8pm..I was shampooing my hair when I had a revelation of sorts: I realized that the medium sized bottle of shampoo that I had in my hand was sold to me at my local grocery store for about one dollar and five cents. Yep, thats it. ONE DOLLAR AND FIVE CENTS. A very good price. It dawned on me that all shampoos are basically the same. The bottles that you can buy at the beauty salons that cost$$$ are essentially the same as the ones in the grocery store. Why pay fifteen or twenty bucks for something when you can go and get it at the grocery store for ONE DOLLAR AND FIVE CENTS? Doing any thing else would be insanity. Yes, I shop at the local mom and pop grocery store( NOT at Wallyworld if I can help it) and I have found the mom and pop( they will remain nameless, since if I say their name I could get into some sort of trouble. I dont' know what kind of trouble, but trouble always seems to find me) and they have a great assortment of fruits and vegetables( by the way did you know that the tomato is a fruit and a vegetable?) While pondering this, please rememeber the Ten Commandments of Grocery Shopping: 1) Thou shalt prepare thy list beforeth thy starteth up thy horseless carriage 2) Thou shalt not take thy grocery store's name in vain 3) Thou shalt respecteth thy farmer, for if thy farmer did not existeth, thou would starveth 4) Thou shalt not overloadeth thy cart! Thou will use two carts when necessary5) Thou shalt not whine and complain whilst waiting in line 6) Thou shalt not hold up the line while you go get something you forgot to pick up in the isles -while you are at the head of the line. 6) Thou shalt not bounceth thy grocery check , lest the stock boys come with bats 7) Thous shalt returneth thy cart to thy stall. If this Commandeth is broken, thou shalt spend eternity after death roasting in the fiery pits of Hell forever. 8) Keep thy attitude in checketh 9) Respect thy clerks and keep them HOLY. 10) Greeteth thy customers and employees alike with 'God bless' and glad tidings forever. Amen.

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