Thursday, September 29, 2005

I'll be your baby tonight

Tonight, she stays with me. I took her home after work, and she quietly stayed in the back of my Toyota. Waited patiently while I went into the store for a while. When we got home, we went to play in my backyard for a while, amidst the gently sloping green grass hill that is in the back of my home. It was then that she saw them. Cowering, like the three year old that she is, she ran to the back door, worry etched on her face. Then I heard them. One older, one very young. She wanted nothing to do with them, and sat closed to the back door. I saw the little one hiding underneath the bigger one. Then I realized that they were both afraid of each other. I approached, as I am blessed with the gift of not being afraid of these creatures, and spoke with a soft , reassuring voice 'hello,little one'. He then ventured out just a little. there was a fence, so no danger of him coming after to follow me. I did try to coax my girl over to say 'hello' but it was evident that she was too afraid. The bigger creature was quiet, but friendly. Not wanting to force my baby, I quietly turned around and walked towards the door where she was sitting, opened it, and in she ran with her tail between her legs. I took her in, gave her a treat, and spoke softly to her. My Honig is such a BIG BABY, but I love her.

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