Monday, January 02, 2006

It's illegal to kill stupid people

I had a somewhat stressful day at work today. Much paperwork. Then I had to make a trip to the grocery store, where this woman in front of me had a HUGE pile of groceries and she went to pay for it with what I thought was her vision card or her check card. When the clerk rang up her groceries, it turns out that the woman did not have enough on her card to cover the items, so she had to put at least half the itmes back while I and another customer had to wait for what seemed like an hour. The clerk had to unsack everything and then clear her drawer and do some paperwork making us wait more. I wanted to kill that woman that had no idea how much $ she had on her card for making everyone else wait. I said nothing to her, but got thast urge to kill.. then I suddenly remembered that it is illegal to kill people..

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